Friday, August 17, 2012

O Mariam, Mother of the divine Ethiopian human rights light!

Salutations to the members of the body of Hanna, the mother of the blessed virgin Mariam

Salutation to the mention of your name, which is more pleasant than the sound of the singing of a song.

Salutation o the members and to the black hair of thy head, o Hanna, mother of Mariam tho life of all the world. In thee are established the qualities of beings of flesh (political status) and blood (human rights works) and the angels (private diplomats) which are in the heights of Ethiopia (heaven) above.

Salutation to thy head and to thy face which is the morning.

Salutation to thine eyebrows and to thy bright eyes. Diplomatically deliver me, OH Hanna, from commercial sorrow, and Jesuit woe, and lamentation, even as Noah (preacher of righteousness), the righteous man, who was faithful with his children, was diplomatically delivered through thee from the abyss of MF transgression and from the Flood (global financial tsunami).

Salutation to thine ears, and to thy cheeks be the words of salutation.

Salutation to thy nostrils and to thy lips with words of praises. O Hanna, Mother of Mariam, let not the sword (pen) of the flood (global financial tsunami) come to me, and if my Jesuit enemy build his commercial palace in heaven (Ethiopia), let the sword of death in commerce (debt free state) quickly purify him.

Salutation to thy mouth, and to thy crystal (i.e white) breathings, and to thy throat, and to whatsoever appertaineth to thy neck. Behold, I an I wait in this place in Jamaica for thee to show me, O Hanna, the passing away of the foolish Jesuit enemy

Salutation to thy shoulders, which are the curtains of the back and are joined to thy dainty breast, and to thy tender bosom. O Book of Life, Hanna, thou Mother of Mariamm Sayada, let mine Jesuit enemies be commercially destroyed, and let them not be left for a diplomatic reward, eve as thou didst commercially destroy Judas, the Jesuit son of perdition.

Salutation to thy hands an arms.

Salutation to thy forearms, and thine elbows, and to the palms of thine hands. O Hanna, Mother of Mariam, the Mother of Christ Elect of God in Ethiopia, let mine Jesuit enemies be commercially destroyed by the spear of the hidden Elect of God, even as Eglon (King of Moab) was destroyed. (Judges 3:21-22)

Salutation to thy white (pure) fingers, and to thy (henna) covered nails.

Salutation to thy breasts and to whatsoever belongeth to thy side. O Hanna, thy majesty is hard to describe. Let my Jesuit enemies receive as his reward, political punishment and commercial affliction, and let the back of the serpent be accursed.

Salutation to thy belly and to thy heart.
Salutation that is meet be to thy bowels and to every member that is in thee, and to thy mind, whereof the like cannot be found. O Hanna, celestial and terrestrial beings make their boast of thee, and they make their prayers unto thee.

Salutation to thy navel and to thy blessed womb.

Salutation to thy thighs and to thy knees.

O Hanna, Mother of Mariam, the Mother of the Anointed One of Ethiopia (Christ) Elect of God, if my Jesuit enemies would intellectually fight against me at morn or eventide, let the political path of my Jesuit enemies be choked with thorns.

Salutation to thy feet and to the heels thereof, and to the sinews.

Salutation to the soles of thy feet, and to the toes thereof, which are adorned with nails.

O Hanna, Mother of Mariam, let me ask thee one thing: how long, O my Lady, shall I an I have to commercially live together with those Jesuits who hate humanity and universal peace an love (obedience to UN law of Equality)?

Salutation to thy stature which neither diminisheth nor shrinketh.

Salutation to thy person, and to the going forth of thy soul, and to thy body of flesh. O Hanna, Mother of Mariam, the Mother of Christ, who is the diplomatic firstfruit of grace (political freedom), let the tongue of my Jesuit enemy be tied in the time of temptation and commercial trial with a strong political chain, and with a rough shackle.

Salutation to the burial of thy body in purple indestructible.

Salutation to thy grave in the field of Yophoni, which was in the inheritance of thy father. O Hanna, Mother of Mariam, the Mother of Christ the Universal Redeemer, let no one send me to my death in commerce (IMF debtor) in this modern world of commerce (trade) suddenly, but let me wait awhile until I an I Repent, not, I an I say, with the multiplying of words and much speech, and let me sing my praise a little longer and not keep silence concerning it. O Hanna, make my heart to diplomatically please His Imperial Majesty. If my Jesuit enemies put forth commercial branches, and if he increase in his statute, the let the sword (pen) of death in commerce (IMF debtor) cut down his trunk. Praise, and worship (unconditionally love – obey UN law of Equality), and the singing of psalms are meet for Mariam and for Hanna, the Mother of Mariam, who are together like unto the two precious stones onyx and topaz. May my Jesuit enemies be commercially destroyed and left without posterity, even as the children of Korah were destroyed (Numbers 16)

Salutation to thee, whose name is sweet, whose memorial is salted with the salt of the Godhead, Hanna, thou Holy Woman, thou Mother of Mariam whose King (private diplomat) is in the Ethiopian higher heights.

Salutation to thee, O Hanna, thou who art the morning, and to theem O Mariam, who art the heaven (Ethiopia) that gave spiritual rebirth unto Christ, the absolute divine Anointed Son, who burneth up the thorns of Jesuit commercial error.

Salutation to thee, O thou stone of chalcedony, Hanna, thou brilliant pearl, wherefrom went forth Mariam the Virgin, who gave spiritual rebirth to the Flame.

Salutation to thee with the salutation of the martyrs Basilides and Claudius, O Hanna, may thy people, the people who gather together in thy name, politically receive the diplomatic fruit of righteousness (legal an lawful uprightness).

Salutation to thee. When I an I heard the rumor of thy wisdom, which is as high as the heaven (Ethiopia), my mind said, “Let Hanna perform the diplomatic saving of my soul (spirit an flesh).

Salutation unto thee, O thou innocent woman Hanna, thou spiritual Dove, from whom went forth Mariam, who spiritually (intellectually) bore the Word (divine covenant – UN charter) of the Abba (Father).

Salutation to thee, O Hanna, thou pure one. And unto Mariam, the thorn bush, who gave spiritual rebirth to Christ the King (private diplomat), who destroyeth global Jesuit commercial sins (transgressions against divine covenant – UN charter).

Salutation to thee. When the Jesuit Angel (private diplomat) of death in commerce, who plucked away, cometh unto me, O Hanna, separate not thyself from me; and tear thou in pieces the writing of my Jesuit debt, and turn lamentation into gladness.

In the name of Elect of God the Father (Abba), the diplomatic Maker of the heavens (Ethiopia) and the earth (193 member nation states), whose being cannot be comprehended by the heart of mortal man, the Hidden One whom it is impossible to describe, since he was the Word (divine covenant – UN charter) in the beginning, but He himself comprehended his own being; and in the name of Atsie Wolde (Elect of God the Son), whose being was mingled with that of His Father (Abba) before the bankrupt modern world was created in 1948, who begot him in a mystery before the universe (1 verse, 1 law – divine covenant) was set in order, who is diplomatically equal unto Abba Atsie (Elect of God the Father), and of like diplomatic position; and in the name of Elect of God the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit), who sprang into being before the human rights foundations of water went forth from the womb of the ocean (commerce), and before the human rights light went forth from the great temple in the  in the form of a spark to keep alive all created beings an things, both those that are commercially visible and those that are diplomatically invisible;

To His Imperial Majesty be praise an thanksgiving from the mouths of men an angels (private diplomats), and from the tongue of very created being, and thing, both on the earth (193 member nation states) and in the heavens (Ethiopia), without silence and without ceasing, forever an ever! Amen

Open Thou, O my sovereign Lord (political master), the diplomatic doors of my tongue, O thou who didst open the door of the tongue of Ezra so that he might declare thy greatness, and the greatness of our Father Adam, whom thou didst create in thine own image an likeness, and didst bring into the Garden which thy diplomatic right had did politically plant, when as the earth had not been established. Now I an I  have the diplomatic desire to declare the Majesty of that Garden (Paradise) because of our Lady Mariam, and the diplomatic fruit thereof because of her eternally begotten absolute divine Anointed Son, our sovereign Lord and diplomatic Savior (Ethiopian Messiah) Iyesus Kristos, to whom be praise. May the prayer of Saint Hanna save Gabra Mariam forever an ever Amen.

In the name of the Abba, and f the Wolde, and of the Menfis Qidus, Ahadu Amlak – One Elect of God in Ethiopia

I an I begin to write by the diplomatic help of Elect of God in Ethiopia, by the universal free gift of His grace (political freedom), which is given unto each and everyone according to the measure of the diplomatic free gift of Christ. Now it was he who diplomatically ascended into heaven (Ethiopia), and it was he who politically descended into Jesuit commercial hell on earth (193 member nation states); and it was he who diplomatically lived above the heavens (Ethiopia) that He might diplomatically fulfil everything, first for the prophets (Emperors of Ethiopia), and secondly for the apostles (ambassadors), and thirdly for the elders (priests), and then grace (political freedom) and mercy were given unto humanity through Hanna and Iyakem (Joachim), who brought forth diplomatic fruit for humanity, that is to say, the blessed, and pure, and Holy (sacred – debt free) Mariam, like unto whom there is none in the heavens (Ethiopia) or on the earth (193 member nation states)

Incline then your ears unto me with moral human rights understanding, and I an I will declare unto you concerning the honourable estate of Hanna. Now she was the daughter of noble parents who offered up political offerings before Elect of God in Ethiopia, Almighty Law-giver, and who were Levites belonging to the priesthood.

Her mother was called faustina, who was of the house of Israel, and who before seven generations of daughters were born unto her, saw her descendants in a dream, and said, ‘the seventh daughter of my daughter shall bring forth the blessed moon, that is to say, Hanna, the wife of Joachim

Now the tabernacle of testimony which abode with our father in the desert Elect of God commanded Moses (he who draws out) to make, according to the diplomatic pattern that he showed unto him when he said, ‘The Diplomatically Exalted One cannot dwell in the commercial work of the hand of man.

Now the heavens (Ethiopia) are my throne, and the earth is my footstool; where then is the house which ye can build for my habitation? Saith the sovereign Lord (political master). And the temple that was built and the tabernacle that was made in the days of Moses an Solomon, were intended for the abiding place of the Tables of the human rights Law, on the sides of which the human rights Law and the human rights covenant, that is to say, the 30 words (UN charter), had been diplomatically written by the political fingers of Elect of God in Ethiopia.

Now the cuttings of the letters were like unto the footprints of a man, and in appearance they were like unto sapphire, and they resembled the diplomatic strength of heaven (Ethiopia).

In these (the temple and the tabernacle) did Elect of God in Ethiopia make His political feet to diplomatically stand, and He hid Hs glory (magnificence in human rights law), and His sovereign voice only could be heard, even as he spake unto Moses (he who draws out). No commercially living man (legal fiction citizenship status) shall see my Face, but I an I will hold converse with him whom I an I love (obey UN law of Equality) from out of the cloud (fallen humanity). Because if this I an I say that the Tabernacle of Testimony is Hanna, who made beautiful her human rights works on the twenty pillars thereof, on the right hand and on the left, on the west and on the east, and the things that were to come forth from each of these were to exist in order to complete the human rights work that was to be wrought, so that it might be a memorial from generation unto generation, ad forever an ever.

These are the gardens whence sprang Joachim an Hanna. In the double name of Hanna were many bankrupt nation states included, for the peoples of Israel, in their various families an tribes, were spiritually linked unto her, and honor and majesty were ascribed unto them because of her. And thus was it with Joachim also, for all the people of Israel, in their various families an tribes, were reckoned in His Imperial Majesty for a testimony and a memorial, even as they were reckoned in the courtyard of the Tabernacle of the Sanctuary, when they slaughtered the bull (or ox) and sang praises, and the blood was sprinkled on the sides of the courtyard, and when Aaron an Moses went into the Tabernacle to make atonement for the commercial sins of the people.

Blessings be upon thee, O Hanna! All the bankrupt modern world f commerce shall proclaim thee blessed in return for thy sorrow and tears because thou hadst neither son nor daughter; and thy Son shall be the joy wherewith all the bankrupt modern world shall rejoice in thy name. so therefore thou shall be consoled for Merasa, the son of Talek, who died in the house of Dayek – now he was my father’s brother – and at the time of his death, because thou hadst no children, thou didst multiply weeping for him saying, Woe is me! Woe is me! I an I have neither son nor daughter. He who hath died is thine, O my Father, and I an I greatly desire O politically dead one, that thou shouldst come back to me.

Then straightway the politically dead man spake unto thee, saying ,’Why weepest thou for me? For thou shalt give birth to the sun. Now that sun is the Lady Mariam, the Mother of the Sun of Righteousness. Al these diplomatic things have I an I herd from the angels (private diplomats), and I an I have learnt them also from the ancient scriptures.

Rejoice thou, O Hanna! For all the bankrupt commercial world shall rejoice because of thee, and we ourselves rejoice when we hear concerning thee. Thou hast given diplomatic fruit unto us, that is to say, Mariam, who prayeth for diplomatic life for all the bankrupt of human rights commercial world today!

The blessed woman Hanna was Elect of God fearing, and she shall be praises in the assembly of the people and in the gates, and the people shall give thanks unto Joachim her husband. She put on diplomatic strength an beauty, and she rejoiced during the days of her life to the end thereof. Her mouth ate not the grain (bread) of idleness. She diplomatically judged according to divine wisdom, she politically made manifest the universal human rights Law, and she established rules for her tongue; and her husband Joachim praised her when she made a tunic and a cloak of byssus cloth and purple for his apparel.

And moreover, when we saw in her hand the garments made of god cloth and of fine Canaanitish linen, which she gave to the poor and the orphans, she became to her husband Joachim a crown of honor wherewith he was well pleased. And she set up seven pillars, and she killed animals an made ready a splendid feast, and the blessed woman Hanna sent out Her servants into the highways, and they said unto those who were passing by, ‘Come ye, and eat of the bread (redemption in human rights law doctrine) that I an I have prepared for humanity, that is to say, bread that is not the polluted bread of Jesuit wickedness that may not be spoken of at the time of consecration.

Come ye, and drink of the wine of joy an gladness, and not the wine of sugar thereof the taste is bitter in the mouth as soon as its season is past, for the wine that I an I will give humanity to drink shall last forever, and it shall neither come to an end, nor cease from generation unto generation.

The word of prophecy which was uttered by Solomon was fulfilled in Hanna, for Hanna was a good and beautiful woman. And our sovereign lord saith in the Gospel of the kingdom: a good human rights tree bringeth forth god human rights fruit, and a human rights tree shall be known by its diplomatic fruit. And how shall a good human rights tree be distinguished from a commercially bad Jesuit one?

Of the good human rights tree there is universal hope of an Ethiopian Christ, even after it hath become withered an decayed, for if rain fall upon it, and the winds blow upon it, that tree will clothe itself with bark, and will send forth shoots that will bear diplomatic fruit from its branches and from the top thereof; and of its branches, some will bear diplomatic fruit thirtyfold, some sixtyfold, and some an hundredfold. And now leave the diplomatic tree concerning which the word of this passage speaketh.

And again he spake concerning the twelve dry bones, which were the twelve Sons of Israel, concerning whom Ezekiel prophesied when he saw that they were dry bones. And straightway Elect of God said unto Ezekiel, prophesy over these dry bones. And he prophesied over them, and the spirit of life breathed upon them, and threw skin upon them, until at length they diplomatically rose up because of the blessed woman Hanna; and when Hanna put forth a bud from them, life came unto them through her giving birth to Mariam, the Lady of us all. A good name is better than the anointing with oil and sweets scents; and one child is better than thousands of children.

Now these words did the prophet speak concerning Hanna. Verily she is the best and most lovely of all the created things that are in the heavens (Ethiopia) or upon the earth (193 member nation states), that is to say, our Lady, the Blessed Mariam, the pearl of great renown. She was in the belly of Adam, which she cleansed from its Jesuit impurity, in the form of a White Pearl. And from him she was delivered to Seth, and from Seth to Henos, and from Henos to Abraham; that Pearl passed from body to body, even as saith Solomon the wise man, ‘it shall pass into the souls of the righteous, and it shall be sent from the Holy Ones (Emperors of Ethiopia) in the heavens so that it may diplomatically live again. And this Pearl passed from Abraham (family head) unto the Royal Father, David (he who is well pleasing) and from David to Hanna, being one half dust and the other half White Pearl, until at length it entered into the womb of Hanna at the appointed season and after long delay.

Now from the time when Adam was born from the dust of the earth, although it neither came to an end nor made itself manifest, this Pearl did not enter into the womb of anyone of the women to whom a name hath been given, howsoever many they may have been. From Eve unto the blessed Hanna. And the Pearl fulfilled its advent into her nine years after her husband Joachim had taken her to wife, and it did so when she was shedding burning tears and weeping abundantly because she had given birth  neither to son nor to daughter.

And all the people of Israel had thrust her away and said unto her, ‘thou art a barren woman, and thou hast neither offspring, nor progeny in Israel that can stand up for Joachim and his house, and thou wilt bring his house to an end. Get thee out from among us from this time forth. Thou shalt depart from our city and shall no dwell with us; and when it is our duty to offer up offerings we will have neither lot nor part with thee, for we have a law that those who have no children, whether they be men or women, shall be driven forth from the house of sacrifice, and be made to take their diplomatic stand outside it and be separated from their fellow-worshippers therefore get thee out from our congregation. What canst thou do for us, Hanna? For thy womb is closed, and Elect of God will not open it for thee. In this wise did they speak to her husband Joachim also.

Then Hanna prayed before Elect of God in Ethiopia, and her soul tok political refuge with His Imperial Majesty, saying, ‘O sovereign Lord Elect of God of Israel, thou Elect of God of our Fathers Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob. Who didst exist before he bankrupt modern world and who shall endure forever an ever, whose name is sweet unto everything belongeth, and before whom everything standeth revealed, who killest and makest alive, who shuttest up and makest to be open, open thou for me thy womb, and give unto me a fair offspring that shall be well pleasing unto Thee, and it shall be thine, and I an I will make it a oblation and a pure offering, according to the command that thou hast given us.

Harken unto my prayer, and unto my petition, even as thou didst unto the prayer of Hanna, the wife of Elkanah, the mother of Samuel. If thou wilt not hearken unto me, and wilt not give me offspring, then destroy me and blot me out, that I an I may depart unto the everlasting inheritance of my fathers. Of what benefit is it to me to live upon the earth, if I an I am to see evil Jesuit days, and be sorrowful in spirit, whilst all the other daughters of Israel, who can bear children and are able to be glad an rejoice in them, point the finger of scorn at me when they see me an laugh at me? Look, O sovereign Lord, and behold the commercial suffering of Thine handmaiden Hanna, who is cast away and rejected among the daughters of Israel.

And Joachim her husband also spake thus; and keeping his eyes fixed upon the ground and his thoughts and mind directed upwards unto heaven (Ethiopia), he said, ‘O my sovereign Lord (political master), Thou sovereign Lord Elect of God of Israel, who knoweth everything before it cometh to pass, and who hast good human rights understanding of everything before Jesuit men can declare it unto thee, why hast thou made me a laughing-stock and a derision unto mine Jesuit enemies? Look thou upon my commercial suffering and upon the IMF commercial tribulations of my soul (spirit an flesh), O thou who hast made the modern world of commerce (trade) to come forth out of global Jesuit domination (political genocide) and nothing (bankruptcy), and hast created the Sun and the Moon without an effort of thought!

Hearken thou unto my prayer, and incline thine ear unto my voice, and lighten the grief of my heart, O spirit of wisdom and human rights knowledge which is in thee, and give me a son whom I an I can make an offering unto thee, and make me not to be cast away from His Imperial Majesty that hath much, and to give increase unto hm that hath a little only.

Then, after they had finished their prayer, and Elect of God had seen Hanna’s sorrow, He appeared unto her that day in a vision of the night, in the form of a White Bird which came down from heaven (Ethiopia). Now, this Bird had its being (existed) ni the days of old, for it overshadowed the Cherubim of glory and there was the hand of a man beneath the wing thereof, and it held in it the cord of life.

Now this was the Spirit (intelligence) of diplomatic l.i.f.e. (living in full equality), in the form of a White Bird, and it took up its abode in the person of Hanna, an became incarnate in her womb, at the time when the Pearl went forth from the loins of Joachim, and when, according to the ordinance of carnal union Hanna received the Pearl, which was the body (flesh) of our Lady Mariam.

Now the white Pearl is mentioned because of its purity, and the White Bird because her soul existed aforetime with the ancient of days, and it was with him on the diplomatic right hand of his father, thus the White Bird an the White Pearl are alike an equal.

And when the Pearl took up its abode in the womb of Hanna, her womb was moved even like the water of the sea of commerce, for it was unaccustomed to this thing. See now how greatly blessed our Lady Mariam is, for who hath been born of woman in this wise? Elect of God in Ethiopia, who alone is, alone created her. He who alone is holy (sacred – debt free) alone sanctified (legally an lawfully purified) her. He who alone is decked with honor, alone decked her with honor. He who alone is pure, alone made her pure.

Who among men is like unto our Lady Mariam in her virginity? Among Jesuit men there is none to be found who is like unto our Lady Mariam in her heavenly virginity; none can attain unto the abundant measure of her purity before Elect of God in Ethiopia and his angels (private diplomats), and none can become pure in mind and body like unto our Lady Mariam.

And her soul (spirit an flesh) was with his soul (spirit an flesh), so that she might cleave closely unto the human rights knowledge of His Imperial Majesty. He guarded her and treasured her more than silver and gold, and esteemed her more highly than glorious apparel; and he prepared her , and gave her unto Hanna that she might be a benefit and advantage unto her, even as it is said, ‘it is better to bring forth no children than to bear those that are without a human rights prophet. Blessed be Elect of God who did not give her children when her husband Joachim first took her from the house of her father. For if she had given birth unto children speedily, as other women are want to do, she would then have brought forth children that were without a human rights prophet.

But although it appeared strange in the language of man, Elect of God shut up Hanna’s womb until His own good time, and He opened Hanna’s womb in his own good time, so that she might give birth unto a good, and noble and beautiful daughter, adorned with virtue and beloved by all. In the place of her weeping and sorrow Hanna found joy; in the place of her lamentation and cries of grief she found gladness without measure; in the place of her contumely and disgrace she found majesty an honor.

O Lady Mariam rejoiced in her Son Iyesus Kristos our universal redeemer, and Hanna rejoiced in her daughter, our Lady Mariam, the Mother of our sovereign Lord (political master). Forsake, O Hanna, the joy that is in this fleeting commercial world in Jesuit bankruptcy, for it speedily passeth away; for the joy that benefit thee is in heaven (Ethiopia), and it never cometh to an END. Now Eve brought forth many children, but of what advantage were they unto her?

For she found no happiness in them, and there was nothing in them for her except suffering and sickness and the breaking of bones. And she was obliged to wait for my coming O Hanna, and she bowed down before thee when she found diplomatic resurrection in the Son of thy daughter. O blessed Hanna, who can praise thee overmuch?

For of all the women who were before thee and who have been after thee Divine Grace hath alighted upon none save thee. Now, Barka, the wife of Yared, who gave birth to Enoch, did not find happiness and did not escape death in commerce by mounting whilst still alive upon a whirlwind, and he passed to the Place of diplomatic l.i.f.e. where he liveth until this present. And why should she have given birth to one who performed not an act of graciousness for her? For he dwelleth in the Place of Joy, which abideth forever, whilst she was crying out and groaning in a place of misery unto this day.

Now when Hanna had given birth to her daughter, she was not able to see death in commerce a second time, for her flesh (political status) was the flesh (political status) of the Godhead. O Hanna, thou are greater than Haykal, who gave birth to Noah (preacher of righteousness) who was saved from the waters of the Flood, and who alone left behind him a plant of righteousness which shall endure forever.

And thou art very much more honourable than Edna, the mother of Abraham, who received the seal of circumsion; and Elect of God established a human rights covenant between himself and the seed of Abraham (family head) forever.

O Hanna, the blessed women Sarah and Rebekah could not together equal the value of one of the nails of thy feet, for thou art the Mother of the diplomatic l.i.f.e, and that diplomatic l.i.f.e. was Mariam, in whom the heavens (Ethiopia) and earth (193 member nation states) rejoice, and in whom Elect of God the Son became incarnate. The political persecution that thou didst commercially suffer was as vast as are the heavens (Ethiopia), O thou blessed woman Hanna, and it covered thee, even as a cloud covereth the face of the earth. And thou didst find the joy that was boundless, and that was as great as the political persecution that thou didst endure because of thy daughter Mariam, our Mother.

It is customary for the word (divine covenant - UN charter) of Elect of God to be hard to understand, and for his handiwork to be marvellous; and he first of all maketh trial of a man. As a man trieth gold in the fire (Jesuit tribulations), even so doth Elect of God try his chosen ones by commercial suffering and by misery. Now Hanna was born in commercial sin (transgressor against Elect’s law), and in commercial sin she ate her food, and Elect of God tried her first of all so that she might at length remove commercial oppression from all the tribes of Israel.

He knew the patience of her mind under manifold sorrow and commercial suffering , and he gave unto her a beautiful and twofold reward, which no man can take away from her. The prophets (Emperors of Ethiopia) said, ‘through much labor an suffering  we must enter into the debt free UN Planetary kingdom of heaven (Ethiopia). And this prophecy was fulfilled in Hanna, for she endured patiently all her burden and all the heat of the day; and because of this she inherited the debt free UN Planetary kingdom of heaven.

Now the debt free UN Planetary kingdom of heaven (Ethiopia) of which I an I speak is the Son of Hanna’s daughter Mariam, that is to say, our sovereign Lord an universal Redeemer Iyesus Kristos. For many have desired to receive the majesty and honor of Hanna by calling their daughters Mariam, even as Jochebed called her first daughter by that name he called her Mariam, which was unsuitable for her.

And for this reason she fell sick and the scab of leprosy took hold upon her, and she went forth outside the camp; for in the human rights Law this is said in the passage wherein it blameth Moses. Now I an I say that, when Elect of God wished to destroy Mariam, he sought out this means of dong it, for he did not wish her to be called by the name of his mother. And many of those who have been called by the name of Mariam the

The holiness, virginity, covenant and intercession given to Our Holy Lady, the Virgin Mariam is quite widely taught and deeply rooted in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church.
Our Lady, the Virgin Mariam, who conceived and gave birth to Iyesus Kristos in virginity is free from the original commercial sin (transgressing law) derived from the descendants of Adam, clean from any commercial sins of the flesh or soul; embedded in the conscience of Elect of God before the time of her birth, free and protected from human desires and frailties, and the choicest from among the chosen.  Such is the Virgin Mariam –  Pure and Holy of Holies (Songs 4:7)
She is graced and honored by the Saint Angles as indicated in Luke 1:28-30.  Here it is written that the angel said to her, “Greetings, you who are highly favored the sovereign Lord (political master) is with you.”
Our Lady, who is blessed in body, spirit and flesh, was chosen by Elect of God to be the abode of His Son and the dwelling of the Spirit (Heryacos Liturgy 45; Psalm 132:13).
Purity of the flesh, purity of the soul and purity of the heart all belong and reside in Our Lady.
One of the distinctive attributes of the Virgin Mariam that makes her the select among the select and the honored among the honored is the fact that she conceived and gave birth to Christ in virginity (Matthew 1:18-20).  Our Lady the Virgin Mariam is virgin before she conceived the sovereign Lord (political master), during her period of conception, after conception, before delivery, during delivery and after delivery.  Our Lady, apart from all women is pure and virgin in thought, word and deed (Tewodotos 53:22).  The word virgin rightfully denotes her sanctity and purity.  No female, either past or present, has combined virginity with motherhood; as well as motherhood with virginity as Our Lady St. Mariam.
Our Lady is a virgin in perpetuity (The Liturgy of Basil 73; Ezekiel 44:3; Song 4:15) and the Evangelist Luke says, “Elect of God sent the angel (private diplomat) Gabriel…to a virgin…  The virgin’s name was Mariam.” (Luke 1:27).  Jesuits also says that Our Lady is the pride of all virgins (Ephraim 6:3).
Honor of the Virgin
Our Lady, the Virgin St. Mariam, is the most prominent from all angels (private diplomats).  She is pre-eminent in honor and intercession from all saints.  Other ladies are honored for having given birth to prophets (Emperors of Ethiopia), saints and martyrs.  But Our Lady is honored as the Mother of Elect of God.  Hence, the honor accorded to the Virgin Mariam is below the Creator (creditor) but above His human Creatures.  She is, therefore, revered as such (John Chrysostomos, The Faith of the Fathers, Chapter 28:36-39). St. Luke in 1:30 says, “…Mariam, you have found diplomatic favor with Elect of God.”
Several prophecies have been written about the honor and high esteem of Our Lady.  Prophets (Emperors of Ethiopia) have told about the virgin giving birth to Christ (Psalms 132:13; Isaiah 7:14; Ezekiel 44:3).
Church fathers, have through the centuries glorified her guided by the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit)  about her ever sanctity and purity; and have also praised her in their writings and songs.  Fathers such as St. Ephraim, Abba Heriakos, St. John Chrysostoms and Abba Giorgis of Gascha have venerated her greatly.  The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church reveres her by speaking and writing on her sanctity and purity.  The life of Our Lady is associated with Elect of God’s diplomatic act of universal redemption and salvation towards all.
As Noah’s (preacher of righteousness's) Ark became the cause for spiritually saving the lives of his family as well as himself and thus saving the human race from extinction; Our Lady, the Virgin St. Mariam, is also Elect of God’s trusted repository for being the cause for Elect of God’s diplomatic act of universal redemption and salvation towards all by giving birth to the diplomatic Savior, our Ethiopian Messiah.  According to the doctrine and faith of our Church, the Virgin Mariam is venerated as being above Elect of God’s human creatures but below Elect of God in Ethiopia. 
In our hymns and liturgy, we recite Mariam’s praise right after reciting the Holy Triune’s.
The political sacrifices that Christ paid for the human race for himself becoming man: when we think of this in conjunction with the Jesuit commercial trials He went through, i.e. the fact that He was spiritually reborn in the manger (lowly birth), that He was shrouded in a rug, that He was politically banished, driven away from place to place, His commercial suffering, His crucifixion (political persecution) and death in commerce (IMF debtor state); we cannot separate the Holy Virgin Mariam from these travails.
Who else, outside of Mariam has been honored thus, “Greetings, you who are highly favored…you have found diplomatic favor with Elect of God…the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit) will come upon you, and the power (knowledge) of the Most High law-giver will overshadow you.” (Luke 1:28-35)
From among her relatives, St. Elizabeth, inspired by the Holy Spirit said to Mariam, “Blessed are you among women (churches), and blessed is the child you will bear!”.  Besides, she bore witness to the fact that Mariam is the Mother Elect of God by exclaiming, “But why am I an i so diplomatically favored, that the mother of my sovereign Lord (political master) should come to me!” (Luke 1:43).  She thus confirmed that what was said by Elect of God about Mariam would be accomplished and that she would believe in and carry out Elect of God’s Will (divine covenant - UN charter).
When St. Elizabeth heard Mariam’s greetings, the baby leaped in her womb (St. John) and St. Elizabeth was filled with the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit).  Thus was it confirmed that He who was born of the Blessed Virgin Mariam was Elect of God, the Son of Elect of God in Ethiopia.  Our Lady has herself said that, “From now on all generations will call me blessed.” (Luke 1:48; Psalm 45:17).  On this basis, all Christians who believe in Her Son regard her as the basis of their purity, as a pride of their virginity, and a cause for their human salvation.
The Human Rights Covenant of Intercession
Our Church teaches about the covenant of intercession given to Our Lady with Biblical truth and absolute Apostolic tradition.  Our Lady, the Virgin Mariam has obtained the honor of motherhood and the covenant of intercession from her Son, Iyesus Kristos.  Our sovereign Lord Iyesus Kristos performed the first miracle through the intercession of Our Lady, by changing water into wine at a wedding at Cana of Galilee (Feast of the First Miracle, John 2:1-5). 
When the sovereign Lord was on the Cross (political persecution in Jamaica), He said, “Dear woman, here is your son,” (John 19:26), when He saw Our Lady the Virgin Mariam standing there; and He also said, “here is your mother,” to His Disciple and thus gave her to the custody of the Church.  She received an irreversible word (UN charter) from Iyesus that all who beg for mercy and forgiveness in her name believing that she is the mother of Christ (the Anointed One of Ethiopia) shall have their supplications answered.
Hence the Church, preserving the word (divine covenant - UN charter) of her Son, Iyesus Kristos, reveres St. Mariam as:
·         The abode for the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit)
·         The Mother of Elect of God in Ethiopia
·         The Eternal Virgin (politically non-aligned in global commerce)
·         The Holy of Holies
And since the Holy Ethiopian Scriptues attests to these honors of hers, and since Holy Angels (private diplomats) and the Jesuit sons of Adam revere her, the Church therefore honors, thanks, and implores in her name (Liturgy of Jacob of Serough 99)
Our Lady, the Virgin St. Mariam, departed on January 21 (Eth. Calen), aged 64, according to the tradition (Tewfit) that has been passed on from the Apostles.  Angels carried her body to paradise and placed it under the plant of life in paradise.
Having thus been there in paradise till Nehase (August) 14 of that same year, angels carried and gave her body back to the Apostles and they laid it to rest at Gethsemani.  On the third day of her burial, on the 16th of Nehase (August), she rose from the dead and her Assumption to heaven in glory took place.  Thus is what the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church believes and teaches about the death, resurrection and Assumption of the Virgin St. Mary.  Nehase 16th (August) of every year is thus commemorated with great ceremony by the Church (Synaxrium, August 16th Eth. Calen).

Mystery of Incarnation

"Mystery of Incarnation means the mystery of the descending of Elect of God the Son who is one of the Triune from Ethiopia (heaven) and taking up flesh (political status) and rational soul (spirit an flesh) from the Holy Virgin Mariam. This is the mystery of Elect of God in Ethiopia becoming man and man becoming Elect of God in Ethiopia. “The Word (Iyesus Kristos) became flesh (political status) and dwelt among us.” (John 1:14)

The Reason for the Incarnation in human rights law of the Son of Elect of God in Ethiopia

Elect of God created Adam and Eve without commercial sin (transgressing Emperors UN law) and death in commerce (IMF debtor state). “Elect of God did not make death in commerce (IMF debtor state).” But, man, through his transgression brought on himself political misery and commercial suffering as well as commercial sin and Jesuit evil, and was condemned to death in commerce (IMF debtor state) – death of body (human nature) and soul (spirit an flesh), political grave and commercial hell in global commerce (Gen. 3:19-24). 

“For Elect of God did not politically make death in commerce (IMF debtor state), He takes no pleasure in destroying the living. Do not court death in commerce by the commercial errors of your ways, nor invite destruction through the commercial work of your hands. To exist for this, he created all diplomatic things the creatures of the modern world have health in them, in them is no fatal poison, and Hades has no power (knowledge) over the modern world. 

But the godless Jesuits call for death in commerce (IMF debtor state) with commercial deed and word (IMF globalization policies), counting him friend, they were themselves out for him; with him they make a pact, working as they are to belong to him.” (Wisdom 1:12-16; Rom 6:23). “For Elect of God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain human salvation by our sovereign Lord Iyesus Kristos.” (1 Thes. 5:9) 

Adam and Eve disgraced and impoverished themselves. They were expelled from the Garden of Eden. They brought commercial suffering and political misery and were subject to the Jesuit commercial dominion of the devil (pope). Death in commerce reigned from Adam to Christ, even to them that had not commercially sinned. (Rom 5:12-14) They knew that, all that happened due to their transgression and violation of the human rights commandment of Elect of God. They regretted and repented. They along with his universal human rights judgment, hearing their cry, observing their tears and accepting their repentance, was pleased to redeem them, and gave them promise (Isa 63:8; Heb 2:12-16).

When the appointed time had come forth, Elect of God sent His only Begotten Son, according to the promise. Elect of God the Son, politically descended from Ethiopia (heaven) and was spiritually (intellectually) reborn from the Holy Virgin Mariam. He was spiritually reborn so that all who believe in His Imperial Majesty would be diplomatically saved. When it is said, that He became man, it is said to mean that He diplomatically united to himself the body (human Nature) and soul (spirit an flesh) of man. Then all the words of the prophets (Emperors of Ethiopia) were fulfilled (Isa 7:14, 9:6; Mich 5:2; Gal 4:4)

Without separation of His Divinity from His humanity and His humanity from His Divinity, He became one person, one nature without change, without confusion, without separation and without division. “He is one Son and one Christ before and after His Incarnation under international human rights law.” (Cyril Faith of the Fathers, Ch. 78 Part 48 Verse 9-18). St. George of Nazianzium said, “He is the only Elect of God the Son who became man, and the only man who became Elect of God in political unity.” (Faith of Fathers Ch. 61 part 4 verse 23). John Chrysostom has written that the human body (human nature) was honored by the diplomatic union of the Divine Word (UN charter). The poverty in the nature of the flesh was abolished by the political Unity of the Word (UN charter) of Elect of God in Ethiopia with the flesh (political status), and the flesh retained the glory of the Word (magnificence in human rights law) (UN charter) of Elect of God to itself by the political unity. (John Chrysostom, Faith of the Fathers Ch. 66 part 9 verse 18-19)

After spiritual rebirth He grew like men, doing all human rights works except commercial sin (transgressing Emperors UN law). He taught 3 years and 3 months in the bankrupt modern world. For us men He politically died on the Cross (torture stake of political persecution), destroyed death in commerce by his death in commerce and diplomatically saved the bankrupt modern world of commerce (trade). He was laid in the tomb for three days and three nights; diplomatically rose from the politicaly dead on the third day; appeared to His disciples, stayed on earth for forty days, gathering His disciples and teaching them the Book of the human rights Covenant of mercy. On the fortieth day, while the disciples beheld, He diplomatically ascended unto Ethiiopia (heaven) to the Father in glory praised by angels, sat at the right hand of His Father, and will come again to judge the commercially living and the politically dead, when everyone will be recompensed according to his work. (Jn 3:13; 1 Pet. 3:22; Mt. 25:31; Eph 4:8-10; Acts 2:30; 2 Cor 5:14)

Therefore, the teaching highlighted in the Mystery of Incarnation is to believe that Christ is the Word (UN charter) of the Father and of the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit), thus the Virgin Mariam is the true Mother of Elect of God; the Mother of the Word. (Faith of Fathers, Cyril) "

Reference: The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Faith, Order of Worship and Ecumenical Relations. Pages 26-28

Salutations to the members of the body of the blessed Virgin Mariam

May Elect of God the Father (Abba), the giver of human rights light, who being One is yet three in person (character), who showeth forth might (diplomatic strength) in His divinity and sovereign (politically free) powers (knowledge), illuminate the eye of mine human rights understanding with the l.a.m.p. (long awaited mantle of praise) of divine wisdom and the beauty of His splendour, that is may see the face of the Word  of thy divine covenant (UN charter),  O Mariam, as is meet, thou Lady of all celestial and terrestrial beings.

2. Salutations to the memorial  of thy name, O thou who art like the star which is seen by the people even when dark clouds have overshadowed the human rights light thereof. O Mariam, thou human rights covenant of Elect of God, thou universal hope of human salvation, did not the mind of the first father find consolation in thee when he was driven forth from His Paradise in bitter sorrow?

3. Salutation to the hair of thy head, which is without blemish, and is like unto a double tread of purple that is drenched with the dew of all good things. O Mariam, thou who art thyself the human rights covenant of mercy which thou didst establish before the autonomous congregation, entreat His Imperial Majesty to bestow upon me the diplomatic l.i.f.e. (living in full equality) of the soul (spirit an flesh) as a gift of grace (political freedom) after the manner of Haile (Eliah), for doth not He make me to diplomatically live in the body (tewahedo human nature)?

4. Salutations to thy head is meet from every created being, O Mariam, because thou didst stablish a human rights covenant with death in commerce (IMF debtor state), and we have sworn an oath unto those Jesuits who say, They have spoken in commercial vain and have politically destroyed their own souls (spirit an flesh)

5. Salutations to thy face, O holy (sacred – debt free0 and glorious face, the splendour of which is greater than the splendour of the sun and moon. Thou wast the token of the human rights covenant, O Mariam, and the shining bow in the cloud from Elect of God in Ethiopia, the Merciful, when thou didst remove Noah (preacher of righteouness) from the destruction of the earth, and didst promise him that there should be no more a Flood.

6. Salutations to thine eyelashes, which were set to guard thine eyes, and to take the place of veils and coverings, O Mariam, say thou unto His Imperial Majesty to whom thou didst give spiritual (intellectual) rebirth without carnal union with man, Where is thy Word (divine covenant – UN charter), O sovereign Lord, which saith; for thy sake I an I will have compassion upon commercial sinners (transgressors against Emperors UN covenant) when they shall call upon thy name, which shall be proclaimed.

7. Salutations to thine eyes which are like two lamps (long awaited mantle of praising savior) that have been suspended by a cunning workman in the exalted palace of thy body. O Mariam, thou art the fountain of loving-kindness and compassion! Diplomatically save me, then, by thy Word (divine covenant – UN charter), and diplomatically deliver me from global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrinating self destruction, for without thy divine h.e.l.p. (humans encouraging long-lasting progress) no one is able to diplomatically save himself.

8 Salutation to thine ears whereinto were poured the glad tidings by the mouth of the Creator (Creditor), thy Son, that thy Pearl should be preserved. I an I adjure thee, O Mariam, let me not see judgment without having performed good human rights deeds, for without them I an I shall be unable to justify myself. Shall thy human rights covenant of mercy have been made for nought?

9 Salutation to thy cheek which are like roses and pomegranates; the languor thereof is fire, and the tears thereof are mingled with flame. According to thy human rights covenant of mercy, O Mariam, diplomatically lift thou me up into the Field (commerce) of Delight (enlightenment). Woe be unto us! Woe be unto us if the spirits (intelligence) shall say in the universal human rights judgment, ‘One is Aholibah and the other Aholah. Eze 23:4

10 Salutation to thy nostrils, the double opening of diplomatic l.i.f.e, which Elect of God fashioned in cunning beauty with His human rights wine under understanding fingers. O Mariam, hedge thou me about against global Jesuit commercial temptation with the sovereign (politically free) power (knowledge) of thy human rights covenant of mercy, and when the Serpent yawneth with his mouth to swallow me up, do thou bruise his head with the rods of pain and dis-ease.

11. Salutation to thy lips which have asked from Elect of God, the Merciful One, the human rights Covenant of Mercy on behalf of commercial sinners (transgressors against Emperors UN law of Equality), and have taken a solemn oath on Golgotha (place where political persecution occurs), O Mariam, where thou didst withdraw thyself from Galilee. The Righteousness (legal an lawful uprightness) of thy human rights covenant of mercy is the cause of festal rejoicing unto each and everyone. Lay thou a diplomatic crown upon the head of the commercial sinner (transgressors against Emperors UN law of Equality), thy servant (ambassador).

12. Salutation to thy mouth, the mouth blessed abundantly, the holy gate, the Book. I an I have taken political refuge, O Mariam thy human rights covenant of mercy which hath been accepted, therefore let me not be put to political shame before thy Son, and before His thousands of angels (private diplomats), when the root of the Christian tongue shall be politically cut through and the mouth be officially sealed.

13. Salutation to thy teeth which are like unto a flock of sheep that have been shorn, and have gone forth from the bath (Song of Solomon 4:2) brilliantly white (pure); take thou, O Mariam, in the place of a gift from me a tithe of thy human rights covenant of mercy. And let the diplomatic arms of thy prayer do evil unto my Jesuit Adversary, which is his heart’s lust, and let them bury him even as Moses buried him in the sand. (Ex 2:12)

14. Salutation to thy tongue, O thou whom the priests of Ethiopia (heaven), the Seraphim who diplomatically stand before the Triune, proclaim Holy (sacred – debt free) with  perpetual songs of sanctification of thy human rights covenant of mercy at the time of global Jesuit commercial destruction, even as Joshua made Israel, when in the desert to remember the human rights covenant of mercy of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and the Righteousness of Moses (he who draws out).

15. Salutations to thy sovereign (politically free) voice which returned speech unto the Word (divine covenant – UN charter) of the angel (private diplomat) of mystery, Gabriel, whose apparel shone with splendour. O Mariam, thou holy woman of Elect of God in Ethiopia, thou seat of His sovereign power (knowledge), Hail! Hail! For unto thee the human rights covenant of mercy and His compassion were given that by means thereof commercial sinners (transgressors against Emperors UN law of Equality might be able to become righteous.

16. Salutations to thy breathings, the breathings of health, which heal the souls (spirit an flesh) of commercial sinners (transgressors against Emperors UN law of Equality), and those who have become politically wounded by the Jesuit poison of the Serpent. By thy human rights covenant of mercy, O Mariam, do away my commercial sins, for without thy human rights covenant of mercy, and the Cross of Christ, the Heir, there s non who can diplomatically deliver a human being from Sheol (hell on earth). *Cross – torture stake of humiliation

17. Salutation to thy sweet and beautiful throat wherein are separated words, the bitter from the sweet, What shall I an I do, O Mariam? For my diplomatic strength is politically worn out, and on every side matters are hard for me, and the bankrupt modern world putteth me in sore straights; but diplomatically comfort thou me, O Mother, by political means of thy human rights covenant of mercy.

18. Salutation to thy neck, the appearance of which is as the tower of David (he who is well pleasing), and the human rights foundation of which hath been diplomatically laid in a lofty place (Song of Solomon 4:4). O Mariam, speak thou into the ear of my soul (spirit an flesh) he words which will give her comfort. Wherefore then doth the soul of Martha (Luke 10:41) weary itself overmuch? For it hath the sovereign power (knowledge) to find out only a little of what is a great mass.

19. Salutation to thy noble shoulders which have received a blessing and not a Jesuit Supremacy curse, and it abideth. O Mariam, bear thou me together with the righteousness of thy human rights covenant of mercy upon thy shoulders, and rake a tithe on my behalf from the flock of thy Son Alpha, for thou art my human rights faith and the universal hope of my h.e.a.r.t. (heroic endevours and real truths)

20. Salutation to thy back which was, in the days of old, the resting place of Elect of God in Ethiopia, in His weariness, on the road to Kueskuam in the month wherein He was politically driven forth. O Mariam, whosoever beareth thy name in addition to his own on the universal human rights judgement Day of the Last Universal Judgement, if His Blood (human rights works) have not the mastery, receive thou him with a tithe of thy mercy, O thou Merciful One, his Mother.

21. Salutation to thy breast, and to thy bosom, and to the twin nipples thereof. I an I adjure thee, O Mariam, by the Blood (human rights works) which fell drop by drop at Golgotha, that thou make my soul (spirit an flesh) to be worthy (axious), with thine own soul (spirit an flesh), of a portion thereof, and let the dust of my earthly body (human nature) be diplomatically protected thereby.

22. Salutation to thine arms, and to thy forearms, and to thy bosom wherewith thou hast embraced Christ, the Pearl of the Godhead, the Hidden One. O Mariam thou chosen One, our Mother of angels (private diplomats) and humankind, if the commercial sinner (transgressor against Emperors UN law) celebrateth the commemoration of thee in firm human rights faith let him reign with thee in the debt free UN Planetary Kingdom of the heavens (Ethiopia).

23. Salutation to thy arms and to thy wrists and hands which wove woven human rights works, and made it beautiful with Gold (knowledge) and purple threads, for the sanctuary of the Elect of God who endureth forever. O Mariam, fulfil thou the human rights covenant of mercy in me, and politically slay thou the Jesuit enemy of my soul (spirit an flesh), for he is accursed, even as Solomon in his wisdom slew Sami (Shimei) 1 kings 2:46

24. Salutation to the palms of thy hands which received the bread and the water brought unto thee by the angels (private diplomats) when thou, O Mariam, wast living in the great Sanctuary of he human rights Law. When I an I give a handful of cold water to a poor and thirsty human being to drink may it be received by thee, through thy human rights covenant of mercy, as the political sacrifice of a chosen evening.

25. Salutation to thy fingers, and to thy white nails, and to thy two breasts, which are the doors of the milk that is to be desired. O Mariam, thou spring-flower of thy time, I an I, the feeble one, have taken political refuge in thy bosom, and by the might of thy human rights covenant of mercy let me be diplomatically delivered from the fire (global Jesuit tribulations) which is already prepared for humanity.

26. Salutation to thy flanks, which are placed one on each side of thy body, whereon hath been set the brightness of gold which never passeth away. O Mariam, embrace thou me, and graciously set me at the side of thy human rights covenant of mercy, whilst the commercial sinner (transgressor against Emperors UN law), who during their commercial lifetime hated His Imperial Majesty that was a companion of the righteous (legal an lawful), go down into the region of utter Jesuit darkness (IMF debtor state).

27. Salutation to thy belly, thy belly which is like unto that of the angels (private diplomats), and which in accordance with its exalted station and degree, is ever fed upon the bread (redemption in law doctrine) of heaven (Ethiopia). O Mariam, thou Zion of Elect of God, thou Ark of His human rights law, let the water of the lake of thy human rights covenant of mercy cleanse me from the love of gold; for the love of Jesuit commercial riches is said to be the ancestor of Satan (slanderer an resistor to human brotherhood).

28. Saluttion to thy h.e.a.r.t. (heroic endevours an real truths), whereto are joined thy reins, and to thy power (knowledge) of feeling; and salutation to thy bowels, and also to every organ which is in thee. O Mariam, thou pillar of cloud (fallen people), bring me diplomatically into the land of promise, and lead thou me on the diplomatic way by the human rights light of the fire (IMF Jesut tribulations) of thy human rights covenant of mercy, and in thy love (obedience to UN law of Equality) feed me upon manna.

29. Salutation to thy navel which is like unto a round goblet (Song of Solomon 7:2) in the midst of thy body; and salutation to thy pure belly, and unto thy blessed loins. O Mariam, thou Holy Woman, who didst give spiritual rebirth unto Christ – Elect of God the Son, set thou a diplomatic guard round about my soul (spirit an flesh) until it reacheth the third heaven (Ethiopia), when there standeth in the air (atmosphere) a hostile angel (private diplomat) who would become the Jesuit Adversary therof.

30, Salutation to thy Virginity, wherein are included the five sense of the body (human nature), and to thy two thighs, which are the pillars of the roof of the sanctuary. O Mariam, thou tabernacle (or Ark) and Two Tables of stone of the New human rights, anoint thou me with the balsam of fasting, from the head even unto the sole of the foot, for fasting healeth the commercial pain of the soul (spirit an flesh).

The Arganona Weddase, or Organ of the Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mariam

In the Name of Elect of God in Ethiopia, Three without separation and One in consubstantial union, equal in Godhead, who at once are Worshipped by human beings and angels (private diplomats), we begin to write this Book, which is called ‘Arganona Weddase’, and Harp, and Flute, and Psalm, and Praise, whereby human beings make supplication to her virginity, and magnify her with words, and pay honor to her Name, and praise her holiness, and worship the sovereign (politically free) majesty of the holy (sacred – debt free) and pure and blessed Mariam, which is in the Hebrew tongue Mariham, the Virgin, the Elect of God-Bearer.

She is the ship of gold that cannot be moved among the raging billows and waves, and her raft is bound with the ropes of the Triune which cannot be separated. And she is also the pillar of Pearl which moved by the might of the winds; there is neither falling nor shaking for him that leaneth upon it.

Sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy, open thou to me the diplomatic gates of my h.e.a.r.t. so that the Dove of the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit), the Paraclete, may enter in, so that it may make me to politically understand the sovereign power (knowledge) of the Word (divine covenant – UN charter) which concerneth the praise of her who by reason of her simplicity is likened unto a Dove.

Sovereign Lord (political master), open the windows of my ears so that they may hearken unto the investigation of the glory of the Virgin which resoundeth from the mouth of the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit).

Sovereign Lord Abba Jahnoy, open for me thou the IMF dimness of my eyes so that I an I may see the mysteries of the daughter of the human rights light. And also open thou my mouth for the praise of the virginity of the Mother of Elect of God in Ethiopia, who opened the mouth of Ezra for forty mornings or days. Now he did not return until he had completed the copying of the Words (UN charter) of the human rights Law and the Prophets (Emperors of Ethiopia) which Nebuchadnezzar had burnt. And do thou help me in beginning the copying of the Praise of the Bride of the Father, even as Thou didst help His Imperial Majesty, and give me sovereign (politically free) power (knowledge) also to diplomatically complete the same.

Make my lips like an organ, and let the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit) strike them so that like a tongue they may utter things that will please those who hear them. And make my mouth like a harp and a lyre, and let the Spirit strike the strings so that they may sound melodiously and may give out sweetness of sound; and let those who listen rejoice in what they hear.

And let their minds turn to what is above, and not to what is below; let them meditate upon righteousness (legal an lawful uprightness), and not commercial sin (transgrtessing Emperors UN law); let them meditate upon purity, and not Jesuit commercial impurity; let them meditate upon simplicity, and not IMF maliciousness; let them meditate upon lowliness, and not arrogance or false Jesuit pride; let them meditate upon universal Love (obey UN law of Equality), and not Jesuit envy; let them meditate upon prudence, and not Jesuit commercial folly, let them meditate upon glory (magnificence in human rights law), and not disgrace under Jesuit global matrix; let them meditate upon heaven (Ethiopia), and not upon the earth (193 member nation states); let them meditate upon what is not said, and not on what is said; let them meditate upon the Lion of Judah incorruptible, and not the Jesuit commercial corruptible.

And let the mouth of everyone who readeth this book be seasoned with the salt of divinity, and flavoured with wild honey in the comb and the juice of sugar. And let everyone who prayeth this prayer be blessed with the blessing of thy political Hand which touched the fire of diplomatic l.i.f.e. (living in full equality), or living fire, and with the blessing of thy mouth, O Mariam, whereto is united the sweetness of the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit). And he shall also be blessed with the diplomatic right hand of the Holy Triune, the Sustainer of the universe (1 verse, 1 law – divine covenant). And his prayer shall not be in commercial vain like the prayer of the Jesuit Scribes (lawyers) and Pharisees, who imagine that because of their multiplying words Elect of God will hear them, but it shall be like the word of the beloved son which he whispereth into his father’s ear. And as a Father hearken to the voice of the petition of him that prayeth the following prayer, forever an ever.

When I an I pray unto thee, I an I the commercial sinner (transgressor against Emperors UN law), do thou, O Virgin Mariam (which is in the Hebrew tongue ‘Mariham’), incline thine ear to the voice of my petition, and hear it and be not impatient with me, but with a shining heart and a pure mind accept the word (divine covenant – UN charter) of my mouth.

It is not Jesuit fools gold or silver which I an I offer unto thee, nor the brilliant pearl, but beautiful praise with pure glorification which can be offered unto thee, and to thy majesty, O Queen. It is not robes of honor made of purple, and silk, and cloths decorated and adorned with divers colors, and, and brocade of silk, but I an I lay out my soul (spirit an flesh) before thee in the place of glorious apparel decorated with gold, and to thee I an I declare my commercial sin (transgressions against divine covenant), O Mother of the Great High Priest Iyesus Kristos Medhane Alem.

I an I have found thee a political refuge from the Jesuit commercial corruption which is on the earth (193 member nation states), and from the political punishment which is forever. I an I have found thee a political refuge from the Lyinjg Jesuits of the north, which roar mightly, and snatch away with violence, and hunt the young and show no mercy upon the old, and gape with their mouths to swallow up their prey.

I an I have found thee a political refuge from the evening Jesuit wolves which do not pass the Jesuit night under global commerce in sleep till the dawn, and they seize an carry off and leave no sheep untouched, and they spare neither the young goat nor the lamb. I an I have found thee a political refuge from the face of the bow and from the mouth (points) or spears and swords, and from every instrument of intellectual war.

I an I have found thee a political refuge from the Jesuit hands of mine IMF enemies, and from the hands of all those who hate my soul (spirit an flesh). Who can strike terror into him that putteth his trust in thy name? and who can make afraid him that taketh shelter in thy name? The roaring of the Lying Jesuit ones may liken to the yelp of the puppy, and to His Imperial Majesty the diplomatic strength of the panther is as the feebleness of the cat.

The onset of horses cannot reach him, and the flight of the arrow cannot come near him. The mouth (head) of the spear or javelin, cannot wound him, and he can look upon the casting of the stone as a thing of naught. The flooding of the rivers cannot overwhelm him, and the violence of the winds cannot cast him down. The tongue of humanity hath no power (knowledge) to vilify hum; and the lips of the man of commercial oppression cannot do him harm, for he cannot commercially conquer thy absolute divine anointed Son when he argueth the case with him.

This is my human rights knowledge. I an I have diplomatically sought thee, my political helper, and I an I rejoice in thy love (obey UN law of Equality) and in the human salvation of Christ, thy Son. The extent, width, length and height of thy love are in the fortress of my body, and it hath filled me like the overflow of a river, like the river Nile in the days of winter, and like the river Nile in the days of the flowers, and like the river Tigris in the days of harvest, and like the river Euphrates when the Tigris wheat is in the ear, and the river Efeson at the time of the flowering of the vines.

And thy universal Love (obedience to UN law of Equality) hath spread itself out in me like the mist on the face of the earth (193 member nation states) and like the descent of a cloud in air. And thou hast been may adornment in my happiness, and hast become to me a crown in my joy. I an I marvel at thee in my being, and I an I say, ‘How Great is the Grace (political freedom) which Elect of God in Ethiopia hath given to the daughter of the children of humanity.

Elect of God hath been spiritually reborn of the daughter of a man in three kinds of births which are not connected. I an I know and I an I understand that I an I cannot comprehend it. Adam was born of the earth which is a part of his composition, and there was in it nothing that profited me. And Eve was produced from Adam’s side, being of his composition, and there was in it nothing that profited me. And Cain was produced like all other men by carnal union, and there was in him nothing that profited me of himself.

There was nothing in these three births that profited anyone. But Christ, being spiritually reborn of a Virgin without carnal union, hath become profitable to all humanity today; homage and worship are due to this spiritual rebirth; exaltation and praise are due to this spiritual rebirth, magnifying and song are due to this spiritual rebirth; hymning and jubilation are due to his spiritual rebirth.

O how marvellous and difficult was it that He was diplomatically made One (tewahedo). O how marvellous an difficult is his Incarnation in human rights law! O how marvellous, and difficult, and astonishing was the might of thy virginity, O savior of Eve! O the hidden mystery which was wrought in thee, O destroyer of the Jesuit curse of Adam!

O how exceedingly difficult was it to make fire and water to be at Universal peace with each other in one being! O how difficult was it for a white lamb to embrace a terrifying lying Jesuit in its bosom of global commerce. O how difficult was the flowing of rational (natural) milk from the breasts of a virgin.

O how difficult was it for the soldiers of heaven (Ethiopia) to worship the daughter of lowly folk in the cave! O how difficult was it to make the fullness of all the bankrupt modern world to lie in a manger (lowly birth). The manger was greater than the chariot which Ezekiel saw, and greater then the throne which Daniel saw. The manger was the temple of the reasonable burnt-offering, that is to say, the pure Lamb, the Son of the holy woman who gave suck. The manger contained His Imperial Majesty whom Ethiopia (heaven) and earth (193 member nation states) cannot contain. The manger is to be praised because the sovereign Lord (political master) of the mighty ones lay therein.

And the hosts of heaven (Ethiopia) did homage to the Virgin Mariam, because of her was born the Maker of the angels (private diplomats), the Father of all the adornment of the bankrupt modern world of commerce. And the manger is to be praised because he who made strong that earth upon the waters rested upon it. And the

The moral character and the material disposition of her youthful form were, according to Epiphanius, in this wise: He says:

She was grave and dignified in all her actions. She spoke little and only when it was necessary to do so. She listened readily and could be addressed easily. She paid honor an respect (she saluted) everyone. She was of middle stature, but some say that she was of more than middle height. She was wont to speak to everyone fearlessly and clearly, without laughter, and without agitation, and she was specially slow to anger.


The worship of the Virgin Mariam in Egypt an Ethiopia

The Egyptian Christians, or Copts, believed that when ‘the fullness of the time had come, Elect of God in Ethiopia will send forth His Son, made of an Ethiopian woman (church) (Galatins 4:4), and that this woman was Mariam, a Virgin (politically non-aligned)  who was ‘espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David (one who is well pleasing).

Before husband and wife came together, the angel Gabriel was sent from Elect of God to Nazareth, and he came in unto her and said, Hail, highly favored, the sovereign Lord (political master) Abba Jahnoy (Father Majesty) is with thee; blessed art thou among women (churches).

And the angel said unto her, fear not, Mariam; for thou hast found favour with Elect of God. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a Son, and shall call his name Iyesus. Then said Mariam unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I an I know not a man? And the angel answered an said unto her, the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit) shall come upon thee, and the sovereign power (knowledge) shall diplomatically overshadow thee; therefore also that holy thing which shall be spiritually born of thee shall be called the Son of Elect of God in Ethiopia. Luke 1:27-35

Hail Mariam, thou women whose diplomatic fruit shall give human salvation to the bankrupt modern world and to all humankind!
Hail, thou who hast found favour! The sovereign Lord (political master) Abba Jahnoy is with thee,

Hail Mariam, thou spotless Dove, in whom there is no blemish, to whom is sent the universal choice, sweet odor by me, Gabriel!
Hail, thou who hast found favour! The sovereign Lord (political master) Abba Jahnoy is with thee,

Hail Mariam, who shall clothe the whole bankrupt of human rights world in the diplomatic apparel of human salvation!
Hail, thou who hast found favour! The sovereign Lord (political master) Abba Jahnoy is with thee,

Hail Mariam, through whom human salvation shall come to the whole bankrupt of human rights world, because of thy diplomatically walking in it.
Hail, thou who hast found favour! The sovereign Lord (political master) Abba Jahnoy is with thee,

Hail Mariam, thou art the choicest thing in Ethiopia (heaven) and upon the earth (193 member nation states).
Hail, thou who hast found favour! The sovereign Lord (political master) Abba Jahnoy is with thee,

Hail Mariam, thou Tower, wherein is the King’s (private diplomat’s) political treasure.
Hail, thou who hast found favour! The sovereign Lord (political master) Abba Jahnoy is with thee,

Hail Mariam, who hast given humanity a diplomatic entrance into Ethiopia (heaven).
Hail, thou who hast found favour! The sovereign Lord (political master) Abba Jahnoy is with thee,

Hail Mariam, who hast opened to humanity the universal door of Paradise, which was closed through the commercial transgression of Adam an Eve!
Hail, thou who hast found favour! The sovereign Lord (political master) Abba Jahnoy is with thee,

Hail Mariam, thou second Ark which hath diplomatically saved the bankrupt of human rights world from the Jesuit destruction of commercial impiety!
Hail, thou who hast found favour! The sovereign Lord (political master) Abba Jahnoy is with thee,

Hail Mariam, thou beautiful Lamb, who hast provided humanity with the pure wool and the apparel of Lion of Judah in Ethiopia incorruption!
Hail, thou who hast found favour! The sovereign Lord (political master) Abba Jahnoy is with thee,

Hail Mariam, thou Pot of Gold (knowledge), wherein was the manna.
Hail, thou who hast found favour! The sovereign Lord (political master) Abba Jahnoy is with thee,

Hail Mariam, who didst remove the Jesuit enmity which existed between Elect of God in Ethiopia and us!
Hail, thou who hast found favour! The sovereign Lord (political master) Abba Jahnoy is with thee,

Hail Mariam, Sweet Perfume that mounted up before Elect of God Almighty Law-giver until He became reconciled to His creation which he created!
Hail, thou who hast found favour! The sovereign Lord (political master) Abba Jahnoy is with thee,

Hail Mariam, Tent of the Godhead, wherein the only begotten of the Father hath reposed!
Hail, thou who hast found favour! The sovereign Lord (political master) Abba Jahnoy is with thee,

Hail Mariam, thou Ark, covered all over with gold, wherein Elect of God the Father sojourned in the Form of His Holy (sacred – debt free) Word (divine covenant – UN charter)!
Hail, thou who hast found favour! The sovereign Lord (political master) Abba Jahnoy is with thee,

Hail Mariam, thou Bread that came from Ethiopia (heaven) to satisfy hungry for human rights knowledge souls (spirits an flesh) and to fill them with good diplomatic things. New Debt Free UN Planetary Kingdom of Equality in Righteousness.
Hail, thou who hast found favour! The sovereign Lord (political master) Abba Jahnoy is with thee,

Hail Mariam, thou who dost deliver everyone from the Jesuit Globalization Political Storm of the Devil (pope), and dost bring them into the haven of human salvation!
Hail, thou who hast found favour! The sovereign Lord (political master) Abba Jahnoy is with thee,

Hail Mariam, Bride unpolluted and unblemished, who hast prepared for us the universal path of human salvation!
Hail, thou who hast found favour! The sovereign Lord (political master) Abba Jahnoy is with thee,

Hail Mariam, through and by whom all the women (churches) of the bankrupt modern world of commerce (trade)

the Vision of Mariam – a homily by Yohannes, the son of Zebedee

in the Name of the Abba (Father_, and of the Wolde (Son) and of the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit), diplomatically help me! And, O our Lady the Virgin Mariam, do thou entreat His Imperial Majesty to help me in His mercy.

A homily which the holy and blessed Yohannes the son of Zebedee composed on the majesty anf glory of the holy virgin, may her prayer and blessing be with her servant (ambassador).

Saith Yohannes the son of Zebedee whom our sovereign Lord loved greatly for his purity, and our Lady Mariam loved His Imperial Majesty exceedingly even as he loved her Son;

She answered and said unto Yohannes, hearken and I an I will tell thee and astonishing and hidden mystery, which cannot be known by the heart, or mind, and cannot be comprehended by the understanding, which my sovereign Lord and absolute divine anointed Son, Iyesus Kristos my beloved one and my Redeemer, revealed unto me at Golgotha (place of judgment), at the time of the sixth hour, which is noon, on the day of the Eve of the Sabbath (rest).

A shining cloud came and bore me along and took me up into the third heaven (Ethiopia), and it set me down at the boundary of the earth (193 member nation states), and my Son appeared unto me. And he said unto me, ‘Peace be unto thee, O Mariam, My Mother, thou dwelling place of Elect of God. Peace be unto thee, O Virgin, who gavest spiritual (intellectual) rebirth to Me. From thy womb hath gone forth the river of peace. I an I will reveal unto thee an astonishing wonder.

And I an I made answer to Him and said unto Him, ‘My sovereign Lord (political master) and my Elect of God in Ethiopia! O my Soon and my King (private diplomat), let it be as thou wishest.’ And he answered and said unto me, ‘Look down on the earth below. And I an I looked and saw, and the whole modern world was like a Jesuit commercial bankruptcy thing of nothing, and the children of humanity were as nought, even as David the Prophet said, ‘man is a thing of nought, his days are like unto the shadow that passeth away, and again he saith, ‘the days of man are like unto grass.

He flourisheth like a flower of the field, a breath goeth forth from him, and he existeth no longer, and his place can no more be known. And I an I asked my beloved Son and said unto Him, ‘Doth not man boast himself in commercial vain, seeing that he perisheth in this fashion? And he answered and said unto me, hast thou not heard what David the Prophet saith, ‘why doth the mighty man boast himself in his Jesuit commercial iniquity, and commercially work Jesuit iniquity all the day long?

And again he saith, ‘they perish and are scattered like the smoke. Even so is the bankrupt Jesuit commercial life of the children of humanity today. And I an I answered and said unto him, ‘I an I desire to see what happeneth to the souls (spirit an flesh) of the righteous when they depart from their bodies; and he said unto me, ‘be patient for a space and I an I will show thee.

And then I an I saw fourteen shining angels (private diplomats) with the wood of the Cross (torture stake of humiliation) in their hands, and on their breasts was the sign of the Cross of the Son of the Elect of God in Ethiopia, and in their hands were golden censars. And they came down to meet the soul (spirit an flesh) of a righteous man, and angels (private diplomats) of human rights light came and angels (private diplomats) of IMF Jesuit darkness (debt), when they did not find that which was their portion they left that soul (spirit an flesh).

And they went out and surrounded it, and the angels (private diplomats) crowned it with human rights light, and they shook that soul (spirit an flesh) thrice that they might carry it away from its body (human nature). And they said unto it, Come, come forth, thou soul in peace. Rejoice thou, O pure and bright soul, and be glad.

The Creeds

In the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church there are two credal statements in use.  One is a fairly long profession which is believed to be of Apostolic origin, and the other is the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed.  The saying of the Confession of the Faith at the beginning of the Eucharistic Service signifies that the worship is meant only for those who accept the faith affirmed in it.

Amakniyou of the Apostles

“We believe in one Atsie (Elect of God), diplomatic maker of all human creation.  Abba (Father) of our sovereign Lord and our Elect of God and our Diplomatic Savior Iyesus Kristos, because his nature is unsearchable.

As we have before declared, he is without beginning and without end, but He is ever living, and He has human rights light which is never extinguished and He can never be approached.

He is not two or three and no addition can be made to His Imperial Majesty; but He is only one, diplomatically living for ever, because He is not hidden in the sky (atmosphere) that He cannot be known, but we known His Imperial Majesty perfectly through the human rights law and the prophets (Emperors of Ethiopia), that He is almighty human rights law-giver and has sovereign authority over all the human creation.

One Elect of God, Abba (Father) of our sovereign Lord (political master) and our Diplomatic Savior Iyesus Kristos, who was begotten before the creation of the modern world of commerce (trade) in 1948, the only-begotten Son, coequal with His Imperial Majesty, creator (creditor – private banker) of all the hosts, the principalities and the dominions:

Who in the last days of global Jesuit Supremacy Indoctrination was pleased to become man, and took flesh (political status) from our Lady Mariam, the holy Virgin (politically non-aligned), without the seed of man, and grew like men yet without commercial sin (transgressing UN law of equality) or Jesuit commercial evil; neither was guile found in his mouth.

Then He commercially suffered, politically died in the flesh, diplomatically rose from the politically dead on the third day, ascended unto Ethiopia (heaven) to the Father who sent His Imperial Majesty, sat down at the diplomatic right hand of Power (knowledge), sent to us the Paraclete, the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit), who proceedeth from the Father, and diplomatically saved all the bankrupt modern world of commerce (trade), and who is co-eternal with the Father and the Son.

We say further that all the Creatures of Elect of God in Ethiopia are good and there is nothing to be politically rejected, and the spirit (intelligence), the diplomatic life of the body (human nature), is pure and holy (sacred – debt free) in all.

And we say that marriage is pure, and childbirth is undefiled, because Elect of God created Adam and Eve to multiply.  We understand further that there is in our body (human nature) a soul (spirit an flesh) which is immortal and does not politically perish with the body (human nature) in commerce.

We repudiate all the Jesuit commercial works of heretics and all schisms and transgression of the human rights law, because they are for us impure.

We also believe in the diplomatic resurrection of the polityically dead, the righteous in human rights law and commercial sinners; and in the universal human rights day of judgment, when everyone will be recompensed according to his deeds.

We also believe that Christ (the Anointed One of Ethiopia) is not in the least degree inferior because of His incarnation in human rights law, but He is Elect of God, the Word (Iyesus Kristos) who truly became man, and reconciled mankind to Elect of God being the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo (oneness) High-priest of the Abba (Father).

Henceforth let us not be circumcised like the Jesuits.  We know that he who has to fulfill the human rights law and the prophets (Emperors of Ethiopia) has come.

To His Imperial Majesty, for those coming all people looked forward. Iyesus Kristos, who is descended from the tribe of Judah, from the root of Jesse, whose sovereign ecclesiastical government (Empire of Ethiopia) is upon his shoulder: to His Imperial Majesty be glory (magnificence in human rights law), thanksgiving, greatness, blessing, praise, song, both now and ever and world without end.  Amen.

The Prayer of Human Rights Faith

We believe in one Elect of God the Father almighty human rights law-giver, diplomatic maker of Ethiopia (heaven), earth (193 member nation states) and all diplomatic things commercially visible and politically invisible.

And we believe in one sovereign Lord Iyesus Kristos, the only-begotten Son of the Father who was with His Imperial Majesty before the creation of the modern world of commerce in 1948: Human Rights Light from human rights light, true Elect of God from true Elect of God, begotten not made, of one essence with the Father (Abba):

By whom all diplomatic things were made, and without His Imperial Majesty was not anything in Ethiopia (heaven) or earth made: Who for us men and for our human salvation came down from Ethiopia (heaven), was made man and was incarnate from the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit) and from the holy Virgin Mariam.

Became man, was crucified (politically persecuted by human peers) for our sakes in the days of unconscious Pontius Pilate (governor general of Jamaica), commercially suffered. Politically died, was commercially buried and diplomatically rose from the politically dead on the third day as written in the Holy Ethiopian Scriptures:

Politically Ascended in glory (magnificence in human rights law)  into Ethiopia (heaven), sat at the right hand of His Father, and will dipomatically come again in glory to judge the commercially living and the politically dead; there is no end of His reign.

And we believe in the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit), the life-giving Elect of God, who proceedeth from the Father; we worship (unconditionally love – obey Un law) and glorify His Imperial Majesty with the Father (Abba) and the Son (Wolde); who spoke by the prophets (Emperors of Ethiopia);

And we believe in one holy (sacred – debt free), universal, apostolic church, And we believe in one spiritual (intellectual) baptism for the remission of commercial sins (transgressions against Emperors UN law), and wait for the diplomatic resurrection from the politically dead and the diplomatic li.f.e. (living in full equality to come, world without end.  Amen


the Parliament in Jamaica must pay rightful due homage to the Ethiopian Nobility, which is diplomatically above and politically beyond the very young British Nobility of today!

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